Bubble bubble toil and trouble......Oh! ... Hi there.... This is where I hide all my formula's for figuring out this stuff. Click on the link to the left for the area you would like to know more about. Actually I was spending so much time with the calculator I decided to write a program that would figure this out much quicker. Below is a screen shot of the program. It will basically design and match the blades to any generator/alternator you have. After you input all the particulars ( Inputs are in bold print ) It will design the blade shape and twist, width and angles to cut the board, Give you an estimated performance output and match the alternator to that performance. If your interested in the program send an email elenz(at)windstuffnow(dot)com Note: you must include a message in the subject line relating to this site or the email will simply be deleted and therefore not answered. I'm charging $5.00 for it to help cover costs of keeping this web site alive. This program runs under Windows 95/98/Me that I know of. If you have Microsoft Visual Basic5(sp3) or higher installed you will only need the .exe file otherwise you will need the full Set up program. The file is approximately 1.5 Mb. When using this program all the fields must have a number greater than 0. If you leave a space blank it will crash (divide by 0 error). I haven't put any error catchers in as yet but will on later versions. If you like the program and have ideas of other things that could be incorporated into it please let me know. Simply click on the "Buy Now" button to purchase this through pay pal service. When I recieve the payment I will send you an email with the download site and password to unzip the files. Run the Set up program from there and your all set to go. There is a new help file for the program which you can look over here or you can click on blade design help in the upper left corner. Have Fun!